Free Resources and Articles

Additional Resources & Services from Susie: click here

Susie's 64 days of Reflections & Actions for Peacemaking: download as pdf

What is:

Whole Body Learning?

Facing the 5 Faces of Fear

Thinking Styles Shape Our Spirituality and World View

Bibliography for “Getting Out of Your Own Way” Workshop

Spiritual Coaching Flier (PFD file)

Spiritual IQ Life Assessment Tool (PDF file)

Download these documents for printing:

Whole Body Learning
Facing the 5 Faces of Fear
Brain Styles Shape Our Spirituality and World View

Could I ask a favor of those who download my free resources? I would appreciate it so much if you would tell me a bit about yourself. This is just for me to know that people are using my resources. I will NEVER sell this information to others.

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